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My Story

I thought that by becoming a Doctor of Physical Therapy and being a clinician for almost 15 years, I could help (pretty much) anyone but I’d never “worked with runners”.

…I’m embarrassed to say those words considering what I know now. 

Did you realize there are over 20 million injured runners in the US every year?  I undoubtedly encountered many of them in my first 15 years of clinical practice.  It makes me sad to think of how many runners I could have served better but didn’t know how.

I thought I was a good PT but I certainly wasn’t a runner.  Oh, I’d tried to run in my 20s & 30s but breathing problems and a knee that would swell up like a balloon led me to buy into the myth that…

 “I’m just not supposed to be a runner”

…then, in my 40s, I started working with injured Solders whose livelihood and career advancement was dependent on their ability to run.

Who was I to help them when I couldn’t even help myself?

I joke that I’ve made (pretty much) every mistake there is to make along this running journey!

But here I am, pushing up against a half-century of life on this beautiful planet, and never in my wildest dreams would the younger Tamara ever have imagined saying,

Here I am…

An Ultramarathon Runner

A Triathlete

A Running Coach


You don’t have to be an elite runner to help injured runners.  I’m certainly not!

You don’t have to be a runner at all.

You're never too old to learn this, I was over 40 before I learned how to run without pain, and you're certainly never too young!  I sincerely wish I'd learned this as a PT student...even a decade earlier would have been great!

But you owe it to your injured runners to learn how to help them. 

We all enter this profession to help people.  I can give you the tools to help those runners who will otherwise suffer needlessly, enduring one preventable injury after another.

You can help them!

What are you waiting for?!?!

Let’s get started!

(click to get started NOW)


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