Approved in NJ, VA, & states with CE reciprocity (click for approval list)
"The course was very thorough and informative, and love that she just got done running a race before the course."
"This filled so many gaps for me during assessment for patients with knee pain and no flexibility/strength deficits. "
"Student feedback was fantastic. The other students regret not signing up but will do so for January...and even some staff will be there, myself included."
"Before I felt like I had no clue what I was really looking for and what to do but this was super helpful! "
"Useful, actionable strategies to utilize in the clinic with patients who I would otherwise be very hesitant to take on. "
"I really loved the course and thought it was well organized and presented engagingly. I only wish it was longer!"
"Enjoyed her personal style and the way she integrated her experiences of her running journey with her professional expertise"
At the end of our year together, this is what she had to say...
~ Tamara Elzey
50% Complete
Let's connect so I can answer any questions you have about the 3D Running Course to ensure it's a good fit for you!
(your email is safe with me...I hate spam...won't do it and will never share your email...It's just the 2 of us in this together)